Pro Music Tutor | Guitar | Popular Songs

Popular Songs

In this section, our tutors’ guitar lessons will teach you how to play some of the most famous and commercially successful songs of all time. We have strived to make these tutorials as accurate as possible, to ensure that we are teaching you how to play these songs as the original artist would have played them, the right way and not the wrong way like so many poor quality YouTube tutorials.

For some songs, we have also provided a tutorial for the "live" version of that particular song and provided lessons for multiple guitar parts. We are also proud to say that some songs are taught by the original recording artist giving you a unique opportunity for learning how to play them. Preview the song and the lessons with their tutor and then choose to buy the whole series or individual parts of the song.

For the best experience of Pro Music Tutor we recommend buying full series rather than individual lessons.

Fool For Your Loving
In this series, Whitesnake legend Micky Moody teaches you how to play this classic track the right ....

Slow And Easy
In this series, Whitesnake legend Micky Moody shares the secrets behind playing both the lead slide ....